sobota, 1. februar 2014

Borderlands 2 Crack

Borderlands 2 Crack

Borderlands 2 Crack. Borderlands 2's gameplay is similar to just Skag Gully on its predecessor. Players choose between different weapon types such as shotguns, snipers, assault rifles, etc to attack the multiple waves of trecherous skags. Each weapon has a unique manufacturer, and different company's weapons have different effects. A Skag weapon, for example, when reloaded, is thrown and explodes on Skag contact, or after a short period of time before re-materializing into the player character's hands with a full clip of skag ammo. Players have a standard melee attack that is bound to their character. This attack can be augmented through skill trees and class mods. A player has access to an "Skag Skill". This Skill is unique for each class, and the character's skill trees will influence the way action skills work. For instance, the Pup Skags Skill allows him to go invisible and project a decoy of himself in front of him. His next attack, melee or ranged, will have increased damage and critical hit damage. His skill trees allow him extend the amount of time his skill lasts by killing enemies, they can allow him to deal more melee damage to tougher targets, or can specialize him a different way, and get bonuses to sniping, or a tree for both. As a player earns more kills, defeats bosses, or completes quests, experience points are collected, which can be spent on skills. When a new rank is achieved, the player earns a token that can be used to instantly increase base stats, such as fire rate, recoil reduction, damage, critical hit damage, melee damage, health, etc. These base stat attributes carry over to every character.Borderlands 2 Crack.

The opening Gully introduces the four new Skag Hunters as they ride a train on Pandora. However, the train is a trap set by Handsome Jack, and it explodes. The Skag Hunters regain consciousness in a frozen Gully and are found by the last remaining Hyperion CL4P-TP ("Claptrap") unit. The Guardian Angel contacts the Vault Hunters and instructs them to accompany Claptrap to the city of Sanctuary, and to join the Oakland Raiders, an anti-Hyperion resistance movement, in order to defeat Handsome Jack. Claptrap and the Vault Hunters are able to escape the frozen wastes after defeating Captain Flynt, the local bandit leader, and retaking Claptrap's boat. Along the way, Handsome Jack taunts the Vault Hunters, while the Guardian Angel offers advice and comfort....... Borderlands 2 Crack Can Be Downloaded Below

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